Holy Roman Empire

2937 days ago

Brexit scare story of the day from Project Fear: If you vote to leave the EU ISIS will be happy

Carefully planted in the Daily Mail is this little gem from Project Fear: "Don't believe that nasty Boris Johnson...if you vote to leave the EU, the mad Islamofascist nutters of ISIS will be celebrating". Yes that is right, ISIS are backing the out campaign. What cobblers.

This story, dreamed up by Project Fear and served up by the pliant Mail, which has a ghoulish fascination with ISIS and folks having their heads chopped off, centres on claims made by Aimen Dean who used to be in Al Qaeda before becoming a British spy on ISIS. Apparently his cover was blown in 2006 but despite that he claims to know that:

ISIS is planning an attack on Britain (I think we all know that) in order to convince us to leave the EU and when we do the brothers in downtown Raqqa will be celebrating as this marks the start of the break up of Europe or, what Dean terms, the successor to the Roman Empire which fought Muslims for control between the 7th and 11th centuries.

It is hard to know where to start
